Tony worked well this morning at the beginning of the session. He matched items many times(3D-3D)and completed a pouring activity. I said “do this” with the pouring and “pour” and Tony did this. He also colored pictures of shapes w/primary colors. I stacked and lined up different objects of primary colors and said them aloud. Tony once said “red” while holding a red crayon. Tony also used one of his shape sorters and matched the shapes without error. Tony also peeled stickers and swinged as a break. Tony said an approximation for “jump” as a request and he also said “aah-choo” (as a game) while swinging. We played with dinosaurs and once Tony made the dinosaur sound. Tony grabbed his ball and bounced it along with hitting it out of my hand. At the end of the session Tony’s attention began to dart from one thing to the next and he also tried to lie on the ground. He was also zoning out to the tv a couple of times. Tony said “all done” while signing it and “bye, bye” quite clearly.
When speech arrived Tony was so tired that he almost fell asleep but he did make car sounds while rolling a toy car and he used a mirror to say words. He did an approximation for the sign “eat” when prompted while being offered chips. But Tony was so tired that he couldn’t keep his eyes open so he took a nap.
In the future the ABAs will be spending more time working on mands and tacts with Tony. Despite being so sleepy Tony was really cooperative, responsive, and he worked/played hard.