Today when I arrived Tony was busy watching Blue’s Clues. I saw a piece of paper and some crayons laying on the table and tried to get him to start coloring with me. He always gets excited whenever anyone mentions crayons and immediately came over to start coloring. I drew a sun and then got him to identify it and color it in.

After Blue’s Clues, Tony and I headed into his room to paint. I took this as an opportunity to ask him what was missing. He asked for everything his paint shirt, water, paper and paintbrushes. Lately, Tony has not had an issues with getting paint on his hands. He decided that he didn’t want to paint anything but instead wanted to use his hands and make his hand prints. After we were all done painting we headed into the bathroom and Tony washed his hands and brushed his teeth. I asked him what we needed for each and he answered right each time.

Then we decided to head to the park. Once at the park, Tony and I walked over to the swing set. He immediately put turtle in the swing and Tony and I swung him slowly so he wouldn’t fall out. After the swings we headed to the slide. Tony wanted turtle to go down the slide first, then him with me following. Without Jennifer being here this time, there was no one waiting at the end of the slide so turtle got very dirty…lol. After about our 50th time down the slide, I could tell Tony was getting sleepy so we headed home.

Not long after getting home Brittany arrived for Tony’s OT session. It was evident that our day at the park has worn him out so he wasn’t to into playing with her today. After Brittany left Tony went upstairs for a nap.