Today was not a very productive day for Tony. When I arrived he had
just woken up from a nap and was very cranky. Marlaina and I were
trying to get him interested in doing an activity, but nothing seemed
to interest or soothe him. He then threw a tantrum which was only
stopped by the option of a car ride. So we headed to Chick-Fila for
some fries. When we got back home, Tony wanted to watch a movie so I
put in Blue Clues for him.

I started to try to do some ABA with Tony but it was evident that
nothing was going to get done today. Throughout the whole day, we
watched Blues Clues almost continuously and I tried to keep him happy.
Later in the day, Tony and I went out to the bus. He seemed to enjoy
it for about 5 minutes and then started to get upset again ( I have no
idea about what this time) and throw a tantrum. I tried to calm him
down and even told him we could go back in the house. He then began
to scream even louder and throw his little people around the bus and
at me. I told him that we do not throw things and tried once again to
get him out of the bus. Tony then started asking for “daddy” and I
couldn’t figure out where he had thrown him. I finally got Tony out
of the bus and took him inside, so I could go back out to he bus to
look for “daddy”. Anton accompanied me outside and found him as soon
as he opened the door! Once back in the house, Tony was still cranky
so Marlaina took him up to bed. Hopefully, Wednesday will be a better